Now showing items 351-355 of 781

  • 7th. Conference Data storage and analysis of the HAWC gamma ray observatory 

    Sandoval, Andrés (CUDI, 2015-04-23)
    The HAWC gamma-ray observatory on the slopes of the Sierra Negra volcano in Puebla, central Mexico has recently been completed and entered continuous operation day and night accumulating about 1 TB of data ...
  • Conference 6.- The HAWC gamma-ray observatory: generating big data in Mexico 

    Carramiñana, Alberto (CUDI, 2015-04-23)
    1. The HAWC collaboration 2. Cosmic-rays and gamma-rays 3. Air shower arrays & water Cherenkov observatories 4. HAWC: development, science & data
  • FOBESII Initiative 

    Marquez, Rodrigo (Corporación Universitaria para el Desarrollo de Internet (CUDI), 2015-04-23)
    Presentaciones sobre BigData BigNetworks impartidas desde la Reunión CUDI Primavera 2015, conferencia numero 15 impartida por Rodrigo Marquez sobre “FOBESII Initiative”
  • Colaborative Open Online Learning (COOL) 

    Morales Gamboa, Rafael (Corporación Universitaria para el Desarrollo de Internet (CUDI), 2015-04-23)
    Presentaciones sobre BigData BigNetworks impartidas desde la Reunión CUDI Primavera 2015, conferencia numero 14 impartida por Rafael Morales Gamboa sobre “Colaborative Open Online Learning (COOL)”
  • BigData: Calling for a new scope in the curricula of Computer Science 

    Villa, Luis (Corporación Universitaria para el Desarrollo de Internet (CUDI), 2015-04-23)
    Presentaciones sobre BigData BigNetworks impartidas desde la Reunión CUDI Primavera 2015, conferencia numero 13 impartida por Luis Villa sobre “Big Data: Calling for a new scope in the curricula of Computer Science”